
ModalitiesUnderstand the Technique



Through guided relaxation techniques, you are supported into a state of extreme relaxation, focus, and concentration where you can achieve a heightened state of consciousness. Here we find what limiting beliefs are holding you back and create healthier, more beneficial belief systems in the subconscious mind. Some of these thought processes stem from past lives while others originate from childhood. Regression therapy is often a technique used in hypnotherapy to go back to the time a certain behavior started and support you in creating an alternative coping mechanism.

What can Hypnotherapy help with?
  • Addictions
  • Lack of motivation and self esteem 
  • Eating Disorders
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Fears
  • Weight loss
  • PTSD
  • Phobias
  • Sexual Dysfunctions 
  • Grief & Loss of a loved one
How is the session conducted?

A session is normally two hours long and starts with an open conversation between the client and the facilitator. Where the facilitator asks specific questions, allowing the client safely to tell his or her own “story of life” by explaining his or her areas of struggle, certain incidents that brought pain and expectations of the session’s outcome.

Then the theory of the mind is clearly explained so that the client fully understands how the core beliefs were created in the past and how to create the change he or she seeks now by creating new positive beliefs and empowering programs!

After the theory part, the client is guided to his or her own subconscious mind to identify core limiting beliefs through metaphor therapy, inner child healing, age regression, sometimes energy healing like Etheric cord cutting, past life regression and/or progression therapy.

Each session is individually tailored depending on the client’s needs and pre -discussed with the facilitator.

Family Constellation

Systemic and Family Constellation is a powerful method in which the flow of love and balance is re-established within the Family, organization or other systems. Systemic and family constellation helps surface hidden dynamics in human relationship systems. The experiences of the past continue to affect our lives in the present and influence our thoughts, behaviors and emotional experience through generations. We may feel trapped in endlessly repeating patterns that we seem to have no control over. We also tend to see our problems as belonging to us alone. Yet the fact is that we are born into a family system that already has powerful forces and hidden dynamics with roots in past generations that will continue to influence and impact our lives in the present without our knowledge. This methodology allows us to break these patterns so that we can live healthier, happier, more fulfilled lives. In a moment of insight, a new life path can be set in motion. The results can be life-changing.

What can Systemic and Family Constellation help with?
  • Relationship issues
  • Career development 
  • Depression 
  • Lack of purpose 
  • Addiction 
  • Money 
  • Understand our Fears & Anxieties
  • Grief & Loss of a loved one
  • Illness 
  • Infidelity
How is the session conducted?

In a one to one session, you will be asked to draw up a Genogram / family tree, where we look at certain events and traumas that have happened. During the actual constellation, we will use props instead of people to stand in as representatives. The session lasts 2 hours.

Ancient Tantric Teachings

Tantra means “to weave.” We look at merging the masculine and feminine via classical tantric rituals and meditation. Here you will discover the depth of qualities within you and in your relationships with others. It invites an attitude of reverence not only into love-making but in all interactions you have with the world, as you begin to exist with a “yes” approach to life. Tantra is a vast subject with many perspectives. This is your opportunity to transcend destructive patterns, move into the heart, expand your senses and to unify in sacred ways.

What can Tantra help with?
  • Relationship issues
  • Self-Love
  • Creativity
  • Low libido
  • Depression
  • Anxiety & Fear
  • Self-confidence 
  • Imbalanced Chakras
How is the session conducted?

All sessions are conducted Online with our Master Tantric Practitioners. Sessions can be conducted with your partner or individually to discover your full potential as the feminine or masculine. Depending on your goals, we provide different packages for individuals and couples.

Taoist Processing

Processing is a simple and very direct approach to release and heal unfinished issues in the domain of relationships, trauma, negative emotions, painful experiences or anything that stops you from living a fulfilling life. What really changes us, is a true emotional transformation of a painful experience. Processing helps you to do that naturally and fast through the use of ancient energy healing techniques.

As a result, processing allows you to release the emotional attachments to an unpleasant experience and fully accept it as it is. It does not erase a situation but rather supports you in a conscious transformation in which you voluntarily choose to react differently to the challenge. Processing is a fast track method to solve fundamental problems in your life with immediate break-through results.

What can processing help with?
  • Stress
  • Phobias
  • Resistance
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Jealousy
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Guilt
  • Trauma
How is the session conducted?

During this one hour session, there is a dialogue between you and Master Devanshu as he asks you questions and discovers the depth of your challenge. The healing process occurs with the use of the following 3 tools: 

    1. Self-stimulation of meridian energy acupressure points that you will learn and apply on the spot
    2. Breathing practices
    3. Processing old memories connected to painful experiences

Tibetan Readings

The readings will give you insights into your personality, your essential nature and can help you make wise choices for a career and partner while discovering your destiny and karma. The Future, according to the Tibetan philosophy, is not something unchangeable or something permanent. You have many choices. The Tibetan Oracle and Eye Reading helps us to make the right choices, to overcome obstacles, so we can avoid mistakes and create a life of positive events.

Oracle Cards

This is a precise reading according to your time and date of birth, based on an ancient system of eastern Cosmology, Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, that has been used for over 2000 years. You will share your date of birth with Master Devanshu prior to your session, who will do the required homework to chart your birthdate. In your session with Devanshu, he will take you through each of the cards explaining the qualities of each of the cards. You will understand how you can make the right life choices based on your inherent qualities, weaknesses and strengths.

What can an Oracle Card Reading show?
  • It can tell why you may have made certain decisions
  • Support you in which direction to take and how to bring clarity, that will lead to a positive turn in your life
Tibetan Eye Reading

“The Eye is a Window to the Soul”- is not just a poetic statement. Just as a computer chip contains all the information of its program, similarly the iris reveals the printout of our nervous system.

The iris is an imprint of our karma. In an Eye Reading, you get insight about your talents, qualities, about the obstacles and lessons in life. This is a precise method of Soul reading. 

The very sensitive nerve endings in our eyes are connected to the entire nervous system of our body. The eye also records anything that was damaging to our nervous system in the form of markings in the iris. 

Master Practitioner Devanshu can see in the eyes all qualities and negative patterns, connected to the 24 organs of our body.  He can see what happened in the womb, what chakra the person is coming from, their sexual preferences, the relationship to the parents, etc.

What can Tibetan Eye Reading show?
  • You can understand the unconscious habits that govern life, your motivations, desires and aspirations 
  • It will show you areas within your psyche that are in need of a positive energy flow and healing through a Tibetan Pulsing session


Macrobiotics is a unique synthesis of eastern and western wisdom that considers all aspects of an individual in order to support them in promoting long-term health and wellbeing. The macrobiotic way of living is meant to create balance and vitality by applying the principles of yin and yang to your entire life, including work, exercise, mental health, and food. Macrobiotic guidelines are unique for each individual based on his/her condition, goals and environment.

What can macrobiotics help with?
  • Insomnia
  • Acne
  • Indigestion
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Low libido 
  • Obesity
  • Anorexia 
  • Infertility
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Mental illnesses
How is the session conducted?

After filling out an intake form your Macrobiotic Practitioner will discuss your current health status and goals over a 30 mins online consultation. You will then receive a personalized Macrobiotic diet and lifestyle plan to follow which will be explained to you over another 30 mins online meeting. You will have full personalized support over WhatsApp for a month after that.